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Monthly online dating for Asperger women

They are born from an original idea of Dr. Valentina Pasin , Psychologist and Psychotherapist in training, expert in Autism Spectrum Disorders and female functioning of Asperger's syndrome, and they aim to provide an opportunity for reflection and discussion for girls and Asperger women aged 20 and over  (if you are younger, you can join the online groups for Asperger girls aged 11-19, for more information read here ).  


The meetings are held on a monthly basis and are held via Zoom. Asperger girls and women are dedicated (it is not necessary to have already obtained a formal diagnosis) who for reasons of distance cannot participate in the meetings that take place monthly at our headquarters in Thiene (VI).


During the meetings via Zoom, issues concerning female Asperger's functioning will be addressed and the story of life experiences and mutual comparison will be encouraged, with the aim of increasing one's self-awareness and at the same time favoring the development of friendly networks between participants.  


To participate in the meetings, the following instructions must be followed:

Come iscriversi

Se hai ricevuto la diagnosi presso Gruppo Empathie+ segui questi passaggi:

Se hai ricevuto la diagnosi presso un altro centro

o non sei in possesso di una diagnosi

 segui questi passaggi:



compila la modulistica che ti viene inviata: scheda informativa, modulo privacy per attività di gruppo


Scarica Zoom nel tuo computer e assicurati del suo corretto funzionamento


Effettua il pagamento secondo le modalità indicate nella modulistica.

Il costo di un incontro è di 25€ + oneri

Corridoio dell'ufficio



compila la modulistica che ti viene inviata: scheda informativa, modulo privacy per attività di gruppo, documento diagnostico ottenuto presso altro centro (se applicabile)


Scarica Zoom nel tuo computer e assicurati del suo corretto funzionamento


La Dott.ssa Pasin ti contatterà per fissare un colloquio conoscitivo gratuito di 30min via Zoom


Effettua il pagamento secondo le modalità indicate nella modulistica.

Il costo di un incontro è di 25€ + oneri

We also remind you that ...


It is not mandatory to participate in all the meetings, but clearly assiduous participation will favor:


- an in-depth understanding of all the issues addressed


- mutual knowledge and therefore greater trust and sharing among the participants


-   the possibility of proposing topics of one's own interest for subsequent appointments


It is essential to attend meetings by making sure you are inside a  peaceful and relaxing environment, with respect for both oneself and  of the other participants. It will therefore be necessary:


- make sure your internet connection is working properly BEFORE the match starts


- make sure you are in an environment free from acoustic or environmental disturbances for the entire duration of the meeting (in particular: the telephone must be switched off;  all notifications on the computer must be silenced; you must be in a room  silent and welcoming;  interruptions by family members must be avoided during the entire time of the meeting)


It is not always easy to tell about oneself when experiencing difficulties, nor to admit one's limitations or weaknesses to others. The purpose of these  dating  however, it is precisely that of telling and elaborating one's own life experiences, having the opportunity to confront and receive indications regarding one's frailties, within a NON-JUDGING but supportive and understanding context.  


The fact that we are all women who share a neurodiverse functioning will help participation, sharing and the development of a sense of well-being and acceptance, due to the elimination of the misunderstandings that usually arise from relationships with neurotypical people.  


Being the comparison between experiences and sharing parts  fundamental  of the meetings, we recommend participation in the meetings only  to  those women who feel ready to open up to others, albeit within a protected context managed by expert specialists. For all the others, we recommend that participation in the meetings be preceded by individual psychological sessions (also possible via Skype). 

Mutual respect

We ask for a free individual interview to girls and women who have not obtained the diagnosis at our center to have the opportunity to get to know each other a little and, as far as possible, feel at ease from the first Cyber Aspergirls appointment.


In this way we also try to guarantee participation only to  motivated, educated and respectful of diversity women.


In fact, all participants are asked to behave politely, respectfully, decently and civilly during all appointments. If Dr.  Pasin deems it necessary, reserves the right to exclude a participant from the group in the event that she  did not behave in compliance with the content and the sensitivity of the other participants.  


The cost of each Cyber Aspergirls appointment is € 20.  Payment is made only for the meetings in which you intend to attend and must be performed  within the day before  the meeting.


In case of absence at a meeting that has already been paid for, the payment will not be refunded.   


Payments are made by bank transfer. More instructions will follow upon signing up. 

We receive by appointment only.


To arrange a meeting, call the telephone number or send an email indicated in  contacts  here beside, choosing the desired location.


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