Chi siamo
Come nasce la nostra equipe multidisciplinare psicoeducativa per le neuroatipicità, da chi è composta, e quali sono le nostre collaborazioni nazionali e internazionali. In questa pagina troverai tutte queste informazioni.
The history of our group
Empathie Group was founded in 2015 by the will of Dr. Maria Grazia Chilò, Psychologist and Psychotherapist former Head of the Child Neuropsychiatry Operating Unit of Thiene (VI) and former Head of the Outpatient Clinic for Autism Spectrum Disorders of the former ULSS n ° 4 Alto Vicentino.
The team, initially composed of three specialists, has grown over time, involving new and new professionals and expanding its network of clinical collaboration not only to other professionals and centers present on the Italian territory but also to international centers where some of the major international experts operate. of Autism and Asperger's.
From 2020 the coordination of the team has passed to Dr. Valentina Pasin, Psychologist and Psychotherapist in training, Specialized in Canada on the Autism Spectrum and currently engaged at both national and international level in the clinical study of Neuroatipicities and in particular of the female Asperger profile. alongside experts of the caliber of Dr. Tony Attwood and Dr. Isabelle Hénault. Dr. Chilò has retired from clinical practice but continues to support the team with her invaluable clinical supervision.
Nella foto: la Dott.ssa Valentina Pasin (sinistra) e la Dott.ssa Maria Grazia Chilò (destra).
The group's mission
Our group is made up of a multidisciplinary team where different professional figures work in synergy to create a global and individualized approach to the needs of each person.
Empathie Group believes in the value of sharing and exchanging between different professionals, which enriches the possibilities and the quality of taking charge of each person. With this in mind, he collaborates with some external members of the Thiene team who belong to different professional fields.
Because diversity for us is wealth.
Group members
Il team
Membri esterni
Dott.ssa Monaci
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Diagnosi e psicoterapie adulti,
Bergamo e online
Dott. Portolani
Daniel Michael
Psicologo e Psicoterapeuta
Esperto tematiche LGBTQIA+
Brescia, Milano e online
Dott. Pessina
Psichiatra e Sessuologo clinico
Esperto in tematiche LGBTQIA+, ADHD e altre Neurodivergenze, DCA, Ansia, Depressione, Disfunzioni sessuali
Milano, Vigonza (PD) e online
External collaborations
Il nostro gruppo crede nel valore della collaborazione clinica e nell'importanza di fare rete tra professionistə che in Italia abbiano una visione aggiornata, scientifica e rispettosa delle Neuroatipicità.
Per questo esiste il progetto AUT-US ITALY (se non lo conosci, scopri di più qui >) e per questo
collaboriamo e supervisioniamo il lavoro clinico di varie figure professionali in tutta Italia.
Di seguito puoi trovare un elenco di professionistə da contattare per avere supporto
secondo la loro formazione e la città di riferimento.
Dott.ssa Bergamaschi
Dott.ssa Marini
Psicologa e consulente legale per le Disabilità visibili e invisibili
Cagliari e online
Dott.ssa Gazzi
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Diagnosi AUT e ADHD negli adulti, psicoterapia
Brescia e online
Dott.ssa D'Albore
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Diagnosi AS negli adulti e psicoterapia
Milano e online
Dott.ssa Piras
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Diagnosi ADHD negli adulti e psicoterapia
Milano, Como e online
Dott.ssa Vecchi
Dott.ssa Vantaggiato
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Diagnosi AUT età evolutiva e adulta
CTU del tribunale ordinario di Bergamo
Bergamo e online
Dott.ssa Salvini
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Violenza di genere e identità LGBTQIA+ nella neurodivergenza
Pavia e online
Dott.ssa Barone
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Diagnosi AS negli adulti e psicoterapia
Dott.ssa Gervasini
Diagnosi ADHD e AS negli adulti
Bilingue: italiano e inglese
Varese e Como
Dott.ssa Vettore
Psicologa clinica per l'età evolutiva specializzata in Asperger, ADHD, DSA, APC, parent training
Padova e online
Dott.ssa Boccato
Psicologa clinica per l'età evolutiva specializzata in DSA e APC, Tutor per gli apprendimenti per bambini e ragazzi neurodivergenti
Adria (RO) e online
Dott.ssa Ragazzi
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Diagnosi AS negli adulti e psicoterapia
Consulente in ambito giuridico
Milano e Pavia
Dott.ssa Busetto
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Diagnosi AS negli adulti e psicoterapia
Dott.ssa Calvello
Psicologa e Psicoterapeuta
Diagnosi ADHD e AS negli adulti e psicoterapia
Prato e online
National partners
Our association's main objective is to disseminate, inform and sensitize people on issues related to the Autism Spectrum and in particular on Asperger's Syndrome. Promote all scientific, professional, cultural initiatives, tending to create and disseminate cultural training on autism.
The Asperger Veneto ODV Group has the following purposes:
Spreading the knowledge of Asperger's Syndrome and raising awareness in social contexts
Support families through information, training and psychological support;
Promote enabling interventions regarding communication and social and work skills;
Increase personal autonomy;
Promote integration and inclusion in school, work and society, to achieve the best possible quality of life;
Support research and scientific activity
The Asperger Veneto ODV Group has the following purposes:
Spreading the knowledge of Asperger's Syndrome and raising awareness in social contexts
Support families through information, training and psychological support;
Promote enabling interventions regarding communication and social and work skills;
Increase personal autonomy;
Promote integration and inclusion in school, work and society, to achieve the best possible quality of life;
Support research and scientific activity
International Partners
Minds & Hearts provides services specifically for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, with a focus on Asperger's Syndrome and Autism.
Minds & Hearts is a private clinic led by Dr David Zimmerman and Dr Wesley Turner, Clinical Psychologists. The clinic was founded by Dr Michelle Garnett in 2005 to meet the enormous need for Allied Health Services specifically tailored for people on the Autism Spectrum, and to increase knowledge and awareness of Autism.
Dr Michelle Garnett and Professor Tony Attwood, leading world authorities on Autism Spectrum Disorder, are part of the clinical team and provide clinical supervision at Minds & Hearts.
Attwood & Garnett Events was founded by Professor Tony Attwood and Dr Michelle Garnett as part of their vision to expand awareness, understanding and acceptance of autism amongst parents, professionals and the broader community.
Tony and Michelle are considered as internationally recognized experts in autism, with a combined knowledge and experience of over 70 years as clinical psychologists, authors, researchers and consultants. You will be delighted and informed with their passion filled presentations, sharing their experience with warmth and compassion.
The Autism & Asperger Clinic of Montreal is a multidisciplinary team working with people affected by autism spectrum disorders.
Professionals of the clinic believe that the combined developmentalist and behavioralist perspective provides an adequate theoretical and practical framework for understanding the ASD conditions and for accompanying people throughout their lives.